Wednesday, June 6, 2012

usuzovat escaped my notice

This nifty little word has been somehow overlooked. The English notions it aligns with are assume, infer, conclude, deduce.

Corpus: czes 
Hits: 2667 (5.7 per million)

Stop press: 

  • quite uncommon in first person singular. usuzuju 22 times only.

It frequently follows lze (458) 

lze usuzovat which would be like the English one could infer ... It's like the passive in that the subject is "avoided".

And followed by že (268) as it is in English,  more or less. 

  • Podle dobových obrazů lze usuzovat, že jim bylo vcelku jedno, jestli ...
  • Z toho lze usuzovat, že mohlo jít o korupci.

z (141) and not necessarily with lze  

  • Na novou sociální doktrínu vlády lze usuzovat z programu ODS, ...
  • Usuzovat z toho na začátek sestupu jeho hvězdy by bylo nicméně předčasné.

usuzovat na (102)

The accusative object of na is the thing that is infered. English infers/concludes etc something. Czech uses a prepo. So according to Google translator, this sentence from the CZES corpus.

  • Již z povrchního dojmu - tedy z počtu vydaných knih - by se dalo usuzovat na autorčinu nestřídmost a na to, že o svém psaní nemá příliš pochybností.

  • Even from a superficial impression - that the number of published books - one could infer the author's self-indulgence and that of his writing is not much doubt.
  • Podle velikosti a způsobu letu usuzoval na dva druhy. becomes Depending on the size and method of flight, figured the two species. This seems to missing a subject: the ole nevyjádřený podmět.
  • Na základě teplého počasí těchto dní nelze usuzovat na globální oteplování, vždyť v prosinci byly třeba v Rusku výrazné mrazy. becomes Based on the warm weather these days is not a reliable indicator of global warming, after all, in December were in Russia to be strong frosts. which is a bit messy.
So dear readers, if you have any comments on the use of this word, Relearning Czech is all ears. BTW I thought the Cz equivelent of that idiom was jsem celé uši but I do not see it in my sources. Something else to relearn. Nekonečné.

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